Gene: Cre01.g014900


Common name:
Chromosome:chromosome 1

Protein Localization

A plasmid for expressing Cre01.g014900 tagged with the fluorescent protein Venus and affinity epitope 3xFLAG is available: pLM005-Cre01.g014900-Venus-3xFLAG

No localization data is available in our datasets for this protein.

Protein-Protein Interactions

We did not determine any protein-protein interactions for this gene.

Mutant Strains

Insertion Junction Mutant Strain Insertion Junction Feature Confidence (%) Genome Version
CLIP2.008619_1 CLIP2.008619 intron 80 6.1
CLIP2.008619_2 CLIP2.008619 intron 80 6.1
CLIP2.010368_1 CLIP2.010368 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.010368_2 CLIP2.010368 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.021445_1 CLIP2.021445 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.021445_2 CLIP2.021445 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.036847_1 CLIP2.036847 intron 80 6.1
CLIP2.036847_2 CLIP2.036847 intron 80 6.1
CLIP2.049324_1 CLIP2.049324 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.049324_2 CLIP2.049324 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.054239_1 CLIP2.054239 CDS 80 6.1
CLIP2.054239_2 CLIP2.054239 CDS 80 6.1
LMJ.RY0402.078972_1 LMJ.RY0402.078972 intron 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.078972_2 LMJ.RY0402.078972 intron 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.144399_1 LMJ.RY0402.144399 3'UTR 73 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.164676_1 LMJ.RY0402.164676 3'UTR 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.164676_2 LMJ.RY0402.164676 3'UTR 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.166311_1 LMJ.RY0402.166311 intron 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.166311_2 LMJ.RY0402.166311 intron 95 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.208335_1 LMJ.RY0402.208335 intron 73 5.5
LMJ.RY0402.252815_1 LMJ.RY0402.252815 intron 73 5.5

Gene Annotations

Gene ontology terms::
Best arabidopsis TAIR name:
Best arabidopsis TAIR symbol:
Best arabidopsis TAIR defline:
Phytozome Locus Page


Our phenotype screens did not find statistically significant results for this gene.