Gene: Cre07.g321400 (Genome version: v5.5)


Common name:FAP113
Defline:Flagellar Associated Protein
Description:Flagellar Associated Protein, found in the flagellar proteome [PMID: 15998802], contains Myxococcus cysteine-rich repeat

Protein Localization

We did not create a plasmid for this gene.

Protein-Protein Interactions

Bait ID Bait Name Prey ID Prey Name Reference
Cre02.g097800 HLA3,MRP1 Cre07.g321400 FAP113
Cre04.g223050 CAH2 Cre07.g321400 FAP113

Mutant Strains

Insertion Junction Mutant Strain Orientation Insertion Junction Feature Confidence (%)
LMJ.RY0402.051225_1 LMJ.RY0402.051225 sense 5'UTR_intron 95
LMJ.RY0402.051225_2 LMJ.RY0402.051225 sense 5'UTR_intron 95
LMJ.RY0402.065967_2 LMJ.RY0402.065967 sense 3'UTR 73
LMJ.RY0402.085026_1 LMJ.RY0402.085026 antisense intron 73
LMJ.RY0402.099800_1 LMJ.RY0402.099800 antisense 3'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.099800_2 LMJ.RY0402.099800 antisense 3'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.100240_1 LMJ.RY0402.100240 antisense CDS 95
LMJ.RY0402.100240_2 LMJ.RY0402.100240 antisense CDS 95
LMJ.RY0402.113668_1 LMJ.RY0402.113668 antisense 3'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.113668_2 LMJ.RY0402.113668 antisense 3'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.124221_1 LMJ.RY0402.124221 antisense 5'UTR 73
LMJ.RY0402.140226_1 LMJ.RY0402.140226 sense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.140226_2 LMJ.RY0402.140226 sense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.140226_3 LMJ.RY0402.140226 sense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.141674_1 LMJ.RY0402.141674 antisense intron 58
LMJ.RY0402.169214_1 LMJ.RY0402.169214 antisense CDS 95
LMJ.RY0402.169214_2 LMJ.RY0402.169214 antisense intron 95
LMJ.RY0402.178917_1 LMJ.RY0402.178917 antisense CDS 95
LMJ.RY0402.178917_2 LMJ.RY0402.178917 antisense CDS 95
LMJ.RY0402.185045_1 LMJ.RY0402.185045 sense intron 95
LMJ.RY0402.185045_2 LMJ.RY0402.185045 sense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.189238_1 LMJ.RY0402.189238 antisense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.189238_2 LMJ.RY0402.189238 antisense 5'UTR 95
LMJ.RY0402.193595_1 LMJ.RY0402.193595 antisense intron 73
LMJ.RY0402.201100_1 LMJ.RY0402.201100 sense intron 58
LMJ.RY0402.228999_1 LMJ.RY0402.228999 sense intron 73

Gene Annotations

Gene ontology terms::
Best arabidopsis TAIR name:
Best arabidopsis TAIR symbol:
Best arabidopsis TAIR defline:
Phytozome Locus Page


Mutants in this gene exhibit a phenotype under the following conditions:

Flagella, screen 1 of 6 ( 95% confidence (FDR = 0.05))
Flagella, screen 3 of 6 ( 79% confidence (FDR = 0.21))
Flagella, screen 6 of 6 ( 74% confidence (FDR = 0.26))
Paromomycin, screen 6 of 6 ( 78% confidence (FDR = 0.22))

Note: FDR indicates the likelihood that a particular genotype-phenotype relationship is incorrect. Not all mutants in a particular gene show the same phenotype. Please see the mutant pages for each mutant's phenotypes. Complementation is needed to definitively prove a genotype-phenotype link. These data are from a pooled phenotyping experiment.

If you reference the phenotypic data above in a manuscript, please cite: Fauser et al. 2022 Nature Genetics.

Gene: Cre07.g321400 (Genome version: v5.3)


Common name:FAP113
Defline:Flagellar Associated Protein

Protein Localization

We did not create a plasmid for this gene.

Protein-Protein Interactions

We did not determine any protein-protein interactions for this gene.

Mutant Strains

Insertion Junction Mutant Strain Orientation Insertion Junction Feature Confidence (%)
LMJ.SG0182.019478_1 LMJ.SG0182.019478 sense CDS 75

Gene Annotations

Gene ontology terms::
Best arabidopsis TAIR name:
Best arabidopsis TAIR symbol:
Best arabidopsis TAIR defline:
Phytozome Locus Page


Our phenotype screens did not find statistically significant results for this gene.